

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD)

Most common cause of TMJD pain is due to sensitivity of the muscles and ligaments of the area. Our goal is to desensitize the area, be patient, it may take 4-12 weeks.

Consult a physiotherapist for self-management strategies and home exercise program

Discuss with your dentist if a mouth guard at night is appropriate


  • When yawning, support the bottom jaw with index finger

  • Sit up tall, especially when eating

  • Keep teeth about 2mm apart when resting

  • Rest tongue at the roof of your mouth behind the front teeth

  • Keep mouth closed with the lips lightly touching to promote nasal breathing


  • Avoid chewing heavy meats, hard nuts, raw carrots etc. or anything that hurts

  • Avoid taking big bites into burgers, apples etc.

  • Do not chew gum, pen, necklace, etc.

  • Avoid intentionally clicking jaw

  • Consciously avoid clenching teeth together

Working from home?

During these unprecedented times, many of us are adapting to a different way of living and working. Living in Ottawa where majority are working at a desk, I’ve been hearing this a lot…

Patient: “I’m starting to get (insert body part) pain. What is THE best position to work in ?”

Me: NONE! You gotta move!

Here are some easy changes that you can make RIGHT NOW!

  • Set a timer to get up and walk every hour (bonus points if you do your physio exercises)

  • Switch! Find 3-4 positions to work in and rotate throughout the day (sitting, standing, sitting on the couch/on the floor, in bed…

  • Find your daily 1 minute exercise! Pick a move, it can be anything: sit-stand from a chair, running/walking in the same spot, jumping jack, sit ups, push-ups, dancing!…Do it for one minute everyday! (shoutout to Barham Jam from APTEI for this!)